Gambar Peta Kota Bandung

Gambar Peta kabupaten Bandung
Now this is Bandung city-limits Map. Of Indonesia Paris Van Java. Kota Bandung is the basal of West Java province. The burghal is the fourth bigger burghal in Indonesia afterwards Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan. In age-old times it was accustomed as Parijs van Java (in Dutch) or "Paris of Java" and never brash to be the basal of the Dutch East Indies. Bandung is amidst in the highlands, so the acceptance berhawa aback compared with aloft cities in Indonesia.

Bandung important to blot the history of Indonesia. In this burghal stands the ancient abstract university in Indonesia (Technische Hoogeschool, now ITB), a battlefield in the Revolution of Independence, as able as accommodation the Asian-African Conference 1955, a activity that authentic the spirit antikolonialisme. Bandung now become one of the basic destination for tourism and education.

Gambar Peta kabupaten Bandung
Gambar Peta kabupaten Bandung

Gambar Peta Kota Bandung

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