Gambar Peta Kepulauan Riau/Kepri

Kepulauan Riau or Kepri is a arena of Indonesia. Riau Islands Arena adjoining Vietnam and Cambodia to the north, Malaysia and West Kalimantan arena in the east, the arena of Jambi, Bangka Belitung Island and the south; of Singapore, Malaysia, and Riau ambit in the west.

Overall Riau Islands arena consists of 4 districts and 2 cities, 47 districts and 274 villages / apple with a amount of 2408 ample and baby islands that are 30% not yet called and populated. The absolute breadth of 252,601 sq km, about 95% is ocean and alone about 5% daratan.2010
Gambar Peta Propinsi Kepulauan Riau/Kepri
Gambar Peta Kepulauan Riau (Kepri)
Gambar Peta Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) Indonesia

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